Is your prayer life rightly ordered? Over time, I’ve gained some insight into the benefits of ordering the different kinds of prayer we pray a certain way. Here is what I’ve learned.
Amber Kinloch
What Does Offering Our Work to God Look Like?
On this feast of St. Joseph the Worker, I thought it fitting to share some reflections on an short, potent prayer written by Pope St. Pius X.
In this prayer, St. Pius X mentions the virtues necessary to employ in our work, the specific faults we’re inclined to commit, and the spiritual mindset with which we should approach our work.
Satisfying the Hunger Pangs of Our Hearts
Our hearts ache for God. Too often, we satisfy this longing with passing earthly pleasures—food, frivolous purchases, even exercise. In our best moments, we turn to God in prayer.
How can we learn to recognize when our hearts are aching for God? How can we be in greater touch with our hearts’ longing for Him?
Two Forms of Pruning in the Spiritual Life
I’ve been reflecting a lot on this image of pruning from the Gospel. To prune a plant is to cut away excess growth from it to make it more healthy, productive, or attractive.
What does God “pruning” us look like? How does He do it?
The Time is Right: When Death Visits You
February 17, 2023.
My mom and I arrived home from Adoration to earth-shattering news—my dad had died.
In an instant, my family’s world was ripped apart. And yet in the midst of all the heart-breaking bustle that followed, I became gripped by a conviction: The time was right.
Easter: When Desperate Hope Meets Joyful Love
Every one of us has a tomb in our hearts. We have something sitting in our hearts, locked tightly behind a wall of stone. But that tomb, like Christ’s, has no power over us if we let Him into it. Will we?
Finding Your Vocation: The Best Advice I’ve Received
Are you worried about finding your vocation in life? Are you afraid you’ll somehow miss it? What should you do time slips by and nothing seems to be happening?
Why Commit to a Regular Holy Hour? Practical Suggestions for the Hesitant Soul
Why sign up for a regular Holy Hour?
This question has been on your mind, perhaps, or maybe someone suggested it to you. Maybe you already attend Adoration on a regular basis, but are reluctant to commit for any number of reasons: the length of time, the burden of other duties, the fear that you can’t keep up a regular commitment…
Before the Digital Camera: 3 Thoughts on Our Obsession with Picture Taking
Photography undoubtedly is a gift. Yet it also has its limits. What are these limits? What pitfalls should we watch out for? How can we use photography for the glory of God and the good of souls?
Anointing of the Sick: Do You Know the Essentials about This Sacrament?
Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament many Catholics are unfamiliar with. Who should be anointed? Why? When? How is the sacrament administered? What practical steps can we take to prepare for it?
Practical Ways to Cultivate Chastity in Body, Mind, and Heart
Lust is a brutal sin to combat. At times, the struggle against it can seem overwhelming. Fortunately, there are many practical steps we can take to overcome it. Here are six suggestions for everyone regardless of their state of life.
We Rejoice in Creation—Meditating on the Wonder of the Physical World
Have you ever reflected on how precious the physical world is in God’s eyes?
We tend to think of our Faith in abstract, intellectual terms. But the Catholic Faith is not some mere philosophical theory. It is something real and alive, which we experience and express in our daily lives in tangible ways.
What the Simplicity of Bethlehem Signifies for Us
Too often, we view the Nativity in a sentimental way. Teresa Kidron reminds us of the earthliness that characterized the stable at Bethlehem and the significance of the humble, meager conditions amidst which Christ was born.
Silence: An Underrated Theme of Christmas
There’s a unique quality about Christmas, one often described as the “Christmas spirit” that seems to unite people from all walks of life together in a profound way, regardless of whether they are Christian or not. What is this special something that bonds people together? Vir Christi suggests that it is silence.
An Advent Meditation on the Angelus
Vir Christi reflects upon the verses of the Angelus and the variety and abundance of spiritual fruits to be reaped by praying this simple Catholic prayer.