Do we have to avoid all entertainment that isn’t 100% in tune with the Faith? Of course not. But it’s important to make prudent choices about what you put into your imagination, and to avoid things that present temptations for you.
5 Defining Characteristics of God’s Artwork
In considering what constitutes good art from a Catholic perspective, a natural starting point is to look to God and His artwork, i.e., Creation. It’s the finest artwork, which never fails to captivate the human heart in search of Him.
Glory to God in the Highest… Through Art!
If you asked people to relate their experiences of art to their Catholic faith, you’d probably stop most of them in their tracks. In the medieval period, art had a clearly religious tilt. This could be seen especially in the breathtaking cathedrals, with their statues, stained-glass windows, tapestries, and other ornate decorations.
3 Lessons about Work from St. Joseph the Worker
We covered the topic of work this month (May 2021) on St. Joseph’s Shelf, partially because May 1st is the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. So as we close out the month, it’s worth looking at a few truths about the value of work through the eyes of our website’s patron saint.
Resource Spotlight: Sanctify Your Daily Life
Why do we work? How can we pray through work? Why is it difficult? How do we draw close to God and others through our work? The Cardinal answers these questions in 22 short, substantial chapters.
What’s the Point of School?
We’ve already talked about the Catholic view of work and reasons why we perform work for God, others, and ourselves. But schoolwork presents different challenges and opportunities. Here are five deeper reasons why we work and study in school, beyond grades and college applications.
5 Tips for Dealing with Work-Related Stress
Almost everyone has to deal with work-related stress. The causes vary, but the negative impact it has on us and our work is universal. That said, Catholics are far from being stuck in a hopeless position. Here are tips for dealing with stress from a Faith-filled perspective.
How to Transform Your Work into a Prayer
Most of us lead busy lives where the greater part of our time is devoted to work. We struggle, perhaps, to be strong in purposefully blocking out time for prayer. There’s just so much to do.
7 Little Ways to Practice Virtue and Avoid Vice in the Workplace
In the workplace, you can get fired for not having a professional attitude towards your coworkers and your work. Beyond that, however, as Christians we have a responsibility to act with virtue, showing Christ’s love to others and becoming saints.
7 Marks of Good Workers
It’s hard to pin down the definition of a good worker. People have different talents and gifts, as well as different styles of working. Creative types can be disorganized (and if you try to organize them, they get stressed.) Orderly types can be thrown off their game when a crisis occurs.
9 Reasons Why We Work (Beyond Making Money)
Our goal in life is Heaven and eternal union with God, and our time on earth is preparation for this. Work is of immense benefit to ourselves. Work’s a natural channel for helping other people.
Work: Mere Punishment or Is There More?
There’s a common tendency among people today to compartmentalize the different parts of their life. Work is a classic example of this. Five days a week, we haul ourselves out of bed to our computer or the office. Come the weekend, we go, “Whoopee!”
7 Marks of an Effective Personal Apostolate
Apostolate—more commonly spoken of as evangelization—is simply sharing the Gospel with others. It is a task given to all of us by God by virtue of our Baptism.
You Have a Mission
One hears plenty of talk about vocations in the Catholic Church today. Often, it concerns the shortage of priests and religious. Sometimes there’s talk of marriage. Rarely, there’s some mention of the consecrated single life. How about one’s mission, though?
Gratitude – Gateway to the Interior Life
There’s lots of talk about gratitude nowadays. Psychologists and others routinely preach about its benefits as regards mental health, physical health, etc. One frequently comes across advice to cultivate gratitude by keeping a journal, writing “thank you” notes, and the like.