The Interior Life

Gluttony: Making an Idol of Food and Drink

Gluttony: Making an Idol of Food and Drink

When we think of gluttony, we probably picture somebody stuffing themselves to excess or guzzling down a huge bottle of liquor.  But the sin of gluttony encompasses more than overeating or overdrinking.  Pope St. Gregory the Great and St. Thomas Aquinas describe four other ways in which we can commit this sin.

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Sloth: A Shrinking from Love

Sloth: A Shrinking from Love

Sloth can be a difficult sin to identify.  The other capital sins are “active” sins: we consciously choose to do something evil.  Sloth is a sin of omission: we fail to do something good.  It is easy to dismiss because we’re not actively doing any harm—or so we think.

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