Most of us lead busy lives where the greater part of our time is devoted to work. We struggle, perhaps, to be strong in purposefully blocking out time for prayer. There’s just so much to do.
The Interior Life
7 Little Ways to Practice Virtue and Avoid Vice in the Workplace
In the workplace, you can get fired for not having a professional attitude towards your coworkers and your work. Beyond that, however, as Christians we have a responsibility to act with virtue, showing Christ’s love to others and becoming saints.
7 Marks of an Effective Personal Apostolate
Apostolate—more commonly spoken of as evangelization—is simply sharing the Gospel with others. It is a task given to all of us by God by virtue of our Baptism.
You Have a Mission
One hears plenty of talk about vocations in the Catholic Church today. Often, it concerns the shortage of priests and religious. Sometimes there’s talk of marriage. Rarely, there’s some mention of the consecrated single life. How about one’s mission, though?
Gratitude – Gateway to the Interior Life
There’s lots of talk about gratitude nowadays. Psychologists and others routinely preach about its benefits as regards mental health, physical health, etc. One frequently comes across advice to cultivate gratitude by keeping a journal, writing “thank you” notes, and the like.
Joy – Living it in Daily Life
Do you ever struggle to live joy in daily life? I do. Too often, I’m inclined to confuse it with the conscious feeling of happiness. That’s not joy, though; joy is a virtue, a state of mind, not a feeling. You can possess it even amidst the greatest sufferings. You can even radiate it without realizing it. But how?