St. Joseph’s Shelf Is Up!

May 2, 2021 | Blog Posts

Welcome to St. Joseph’s Shelf!  We’re excited to be launching the site and are so glad to have you here.

The purpose of this site is simple: We want to help you sanctify your ordinary life and become a saint.

How?  By diving deep into important subjects that touch us all.  Anything from family life and friendship, to prayer, entertainment, and mental health.  If it’s related to ordinary life, it’s on the shelf.

We’ve already put up an assortment of articles on topics such as gratitude, apostolate, and conversing with others.  We also have an upcoming series of articles about  work planned for May.  Check the website every Monday and Friday to see the latest articles.

Are you interested in keeping a step ahead of things?  Subscribe to our newsletter for monthly updates, including previews of topics we’ll be covering for the upcoming month.  You can also check out our resources page for suggestions regarding books, podcasts, music, and more.

Have further questions?  Drop us a line via our contact page.  We’d love to hear from you!

God Bless,
~Amber & Rose


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Welcome to St. Joseph’s Shelf!

Are you looking for ways to apply your Faith to your daily life and become a saint? We publish practical Catholic reflections on ordinary life every week.

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Mary’s Immaculate Conception: What It Means for You and Me

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