
It’s Not Too Late: Beginning Now Wherever You Are

It’s Not Too Late: Beginning Now Wherever You Are

With Laetare Sunday come and gone, we are officially more than halfway through Lent. It’s about this time that priests break out the “Stay on track! Don’t give up! Easter is coming!” homilies. Not without reason, mind you. It’s easy to start out Lent with grand resolutions only to…

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Gluttony: Making an Idol of Food and Drink

Gluttony: Making an Idol of Food and Drink

When we think of gluttony, we probably picture somebody stuffing themselves to excess or guzzling down a huge bottle of liquor.  But the sin of gluttony encompasses more than overeating or overdrinking.  Pope St. Gregory the Great and St. Thomas Aquinas describe four other ways in which we can commit this sin.

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