
Do You Give Thanks No Matter What?

Do You Give Thanks No Matter What?

Gratitude is one of the easiest virtues to display. Anyone can say “thank you” and the occasions for doing so are innumerable.

Gratitude as a habitual disposition is rarer and far more radical.

What do you say “thank you” for? Do you mean it? Do you give thanks no matter what happens?

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Preparing for Mass

Preparing for Mass

Do you prepare for Mass?

We prepare for so many things—work, school, a birthday party, a vacation—so as to do or enjoy those things as best we can.

Likewise, we need to prepare to celebrate the sacrifice of the Mass. It is…

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Choosing to Enjoy Life Amidst Anxieties and Troubles

Choosing to Enjoy Life Amidst Anxieties and Troubles

“Do you know,” said Anne confidentially, “I’ve made up my mind to enjoy this drive.  It’s been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.”

In this scene, eleven-year-old Anne is facing the prospect of being sent back to an orphan asylum because…

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Lent: It’s Not a Self-Improvement Program

Lent: It’s Not a Self-Improvement Program

Too often we treat the Lenten season as a self-improvement program. Instead of seeking to draw closer to God, we end up seeking ourselves. A classic example is someone giving up chocolate so they can lose weight. Their focus is on an ulterior motive, not God.

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