Every one of us has a tomb in our hearts. We have something sitting in our hearts, locked tightly behind a wall of stone. But that tomb, like Christ’s, has no power over us if we let Him into it. Will we?
Choosing to Enjoy Life Amidst Anxieties and Troubles
“Do you know,” said Anne confidentially, “I’ve made up my mind to enjoy this drive. It’s been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.”
In this scene, eleven-year-old Anne is facing the prospect of being sent back to an orphan asylum because…
Live the Resurrection, Real Time
Easter is a season of new beginnings. It’s a time for us to allow the blossoming of the spiritual seeds that Lent sowed in our hearts, and also to allow the restoration of that which was broken. The cry “He is risen!” is not a far-distant memory, but rather…
A Spiritual Lion in Winter: Navigating Spiritual Struggles
We humans are heavily influenced by our surroundings. That’s why we’re always encouraged to keep good company and put ourselves in places where we can build good habits. In the winter, a sense of dreariness can overcome us. People are tired of the cold and the snow. They’re ready for….