Ignatius of Loyola

More Than Repaired—Transformed

More Than Repaired—Transformed

Have you ever felt broken beyond repair?

Fr. J. shared a story of how he once broke a precious vase. He could have fixed the vase, but to no avail. Even if every piece were glued back into place, you’d still see the multitude of cracks running through the vase.

Sometimes, we resemble that vase and we wonder: Can God fix me and, if so, why doesn’t He?

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It’s Not Too Late: Beginning Now Wherever You Are

It’s Not Too Late: Beginning Now Wherever You Are

With Laetare Sunday come and gone, we are officially more than halfway through Lent. It’s about this time that priests break out the “Stay on track! Don’t give up! Easter is coming!” homilies. Not without reason, mind you. It’s easy to start out Lent with grand resolutions only to…

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