Jesus invites each one of us to follow Him. Sometimes, though, we wonder how to find Him or hear His voice. Author Serafina proposes Adoration as the answer and offers practical suggestions and encouragement regarding spending time with Our Eucharistic Lord.
Corpus Christi: Unity in Trinity, Unity in Body
The Eucharist is the great sacrament of unity in the Church. Oftentimes, though, unity sounds like a lofty, abstract goal.
Here, Vir Christi delves into the unity the Eucharist calls us to and how we can live out this unity in practical ways in our daily lives.
Why Commit to a Regular Holy Hour? Practical Suggestions for the Hesitant Soul
Why sign up for a regular Holy Hour?
This question has been on your mind, perhaps, or maybe someone suggested it to you. Maybe you already attend Adoration on a regular basis, but are reluctant to commit for any number of reasons: the length of time, the burden of other duties, the fear that you can’t keep up a regular commitment…
How to Make a Better Confession: 3 Brief Tips from St. Francis de Sales
Do you go to Confession regularly and struggle with discerning what to confess? Mortal sins must always be confessed in kind and number, but what about venial sins? How much detail is it appropriate to give? How can we be clear and accurate, but also brief? How can we make a more devout confession without being scrupulous?
Why Did Jesus Institute the Eucharist?
Something that frequently gets omitted in conversations about the Eucharist is not the what or the how, but the why. Why would God bother giving us the Eucharist in the first place? What’s the point of transforming bread and wine into the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ?
The First Mark of the Church: “One”
“One?” an objector might exclaim. “Are you kidding me? Look at you Catholics! You’ve got traditionalists, charismatics, and all these different religious orders, rites, and liturgies. Some Catholics support abortion while others oppose it. You have one Pope saying this and another saying that. And yet you all call yourselves Catholic. How can you all be “One”?
Choosing a Good Confessor: 4 Marks to Look For
Catholics are a blessed lot. United in our faith, we can go to Confession with any priest. Nevertheless, it’s helpful to have a regular confessor. But we shouldn’t pick just anyone. After all, we’re fighting a spiritual battle. A discerning confessor will…