
Gluttony: Making an Idol of Food and Drink

Gluttony: Making an Idol of Food and Drink

When we think of gluttony, we probably picture somebody stuffing themselves to excess or guzzling down a huge bottle of liquor.  But the sin of gluttony encompasses more than overeating or overdrinking.  Pope St. Gregory the Great and St. Thomas Aquinas describe four other ways in which we can commit this sin.

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Lent: It’s Not a Self-Improvement Program

Lent: It’s Not a Self-Improvement Program

Too often we treat the Lenten season as a self-improvement program. Instead of seeking to draw closer to God, we end up seeking ourselves. A classic example is someone giving up chocolate so they can lose weight. Their focus is on an ulterior motive, not God.

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The First Mark of the Church: “One”

The First Mark of the Church: “One”

“One?” an objector might exclaim. “Are you kidding me? Look at you Catholics! You’ve got traditionalists, charismatics, and all these different religious orders, rites, and liturgies. Some Catholics support abortion while others oppose it. You have one Pope saying this and another saying that. And yet you all call yourselves Catholic. How can you all be “One”?

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