Amber Kinloch

Do You Give Thanks No Matter What?

Do You Give Thanks No Matter What?

Gratitude is one of the easiest virtues to display. Anyone can say “thank you” and the occasions for doing so are innumerable.

Gratitude as a habitual disposition is rarer and far more radical.

What do you say “thank you” for? Do you mean it? Do you give thanks no matter what happens?

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How to Sanctify Your Driving

How to Sanctify Your Driving

Driving is one of the most common human activities. A lot of us spend a great deal of time behind the wheel. During this time, we confront a number of dangers and temptations as well as opportunities to grow in virtue.

Given all this, it’s worthwhile to consider how we might sanctify this activity.

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Filling Our Jars with Water

Filling Our Jars with Water

There are many points to meditate on in John’s account of the wedding at Cana. Jesus’ command to the servers has especially attracted my notice.

“Fill the jars with water.”

What a simple order. Anyone can do this. What this means is that…

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