Rose Leigh

Memento Mori: Month of the Holy Souls

Memento Mori: Month of the Holy Souls

Are you ready for your death?  So many things in the world attract us and take our attention away from the fact that we were made for eternity.  Beginning with Halloween at the end of October and all throughout November, the Church remembers in her prayers in a special way all those who have died.

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What Does Modern Art Say about Our Culture?

What Does Modern Art Say about Our Culture?

As a freshman in college, I had the opportunity to take several trips with other art students to New York City. In one art gallery, I was surprised to find that the entire exhibition consisted of giant concrete blocks arranged in various ways. I walked around, confused. What’s the meaning behind “artwork” like this? What does it say about society that things like this are considered great art?

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What’s the Point of School?

What’s the Point of School?

We’ve already talked about the Catholic view of work and reasons why we perform work for God, others, and ourselves. But schoolwork presents different challenges and opportunities. Here are five deeper reasons why we work and study in school, beyond grades and college applications.

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