Gathering Speed: June Highlights from St. Joseph’s Shelf

Jun 30, 2021 | Blog Posts

Hello Everyone!

June has been another wonderful month here at St. Joseph’s Shelf.  Rose (a graphic designer by profession) has been taking the lead this month with writing articles on art and entertainment.  If you haven’t seen her article on how to choose good entertainment, I encourage you to check it out.  I wish I could have read this as a teen!

Our new writer, Vir Christi, had his first article published this month.  Likewise, our article on church architecture featured photos by the lovely photographer Thérèse Pepla.  I’m grateful to both of them for sharing their time and talents with all of us at St. Joseph’s Shelf.  

In other great news, a kind reader passed on Rose’s article, “What Does Modern Art Say About Our Culture?”, to Carrie Gress.  Ms. Gress is one of the two authors of the popular Theology of Home website.  Rose’s article was featured in TOH’s June 23rd blog post alongside articles from other major websites like The Public Discourse and The Catholic Thing.  This is huge.  We’re not on social media, which makes it harder to get the word out about St. Joseph’s Shelf.  I’m so grateful to this reader, and most proud of Rose.  Besides writing, she does a lot of hidden work here at St. Joseph’s Shelf.  This website wouldn’t exist without her.

Also, if you’re enjoying our articles, please share them with a friend.  You readers are truly our partners here at St. Joseph’s Shelf.  June’s articles especially have a broad appeal given the struggles we face in finding good art and entertainment.

For July, readers picked the topic of practical lessons from the saints.  I’m excited!  We read or hear about the saints and wonder at the amazing works God wrought through them.  Yet in our admiration, perhaps we set them up on a pedestal out of our reach.  This month, our goal is to bring the saints down to earth and show you how relatable they are.  Sainthood isn’t an honor reserved to a few.  It is our universal calling.

Thank you for reading, everyone.  Pray for us, please, and know that you are in my prayers.

God bless,


P.S. Our poll for August’s topic is live now through July 7th. (See the bar at the top of the site.)  We appreciate your feedback on it!

Amber Kinloch

Amber Kinloch

Amber  writes from the bunker of her living room.  There she hunkers down with her laptop and a blanket while keeping an eye and ear tuned in to the activity of family life.  Music set on loop keeps her energy flowing as she muses on the deeper happenings of ordinary life and what food to restock the fridge with.


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Are you looking for ways to apply your Faith to your daily life and become a saint? We publish practical Catholic reflections on ordinary life every week.

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