September Recap: Welcome to Our New Readers, a Scheduling Update, and More!

Sep 30, 2021 | Blog Posts

Hello Everyone!

September has been quite a month at St. Joseph’s Shelf!  This past weekend, Vir Christi’s article “The Role of Friends in the Spiritual Life” was featured in a Catholic daily news roundup.  To all you new readers who found us that way, welcome!  We’re so glad you’re here.  If you haven’t already checked out our resources page or browsed through the archives, I encourage you to do so.  We have over 50 articles published on a range of topics.  Just this September, we’ve posted articles on the role of the elderly and the homebound, choosing a good confessor, reading the Bible, and other articles on prayer and the spiritual life.  

Some of you might recall a book review we posted back in May of Sanctify Your Daily Life by Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński.  This past September 12th, Cardinal Wyszyński was beatified along with Mother Elżbieta Róża Czacka at a Mass in Poland.  Check out the full account of events.

Scheduling update: Recently, our small team has been hard pressed to keep up with churning out two articles a week.  (Rose Leigh, especially, has been very kind in helping me finish up reviewing articles at the last minute.)  In the interest of preserving everyone’s sanity, we are cutting back to posting just on Fridays for the month of October.

On that note, are you interested in writing for St. Joseph’s Shelf?  Do you know of someone who might be?  Drop us a line via our contact form!  We’d love to connect with you on a deeper level and hear about what makes your heart burn for God.

During October, we’ll be covering the topic of the human body in theology.  Why do Church teachings on the Incarnation and the Immaculate Conception matter?  What’s the value of celibacy?  How does the future resurrection of our bodies impact our daily lives in the here and now?  It’s going to be quite a month!

The poll for choosing November’s topic is live!  A hat tip to all of you who take a minute to fill it out.  We’re grateful for your feedback.

Questions or requests for an article?  Shoot us an email!  It makes our day to hear from you.

Wishing you all a blessed October,


Amber Kinloch

Amber Kinloch

Amber  writes from the bunker of her living room.  There she hunkers down with her laptop and a blanket while keeping an eye and ear tuned in to the activity of family life.  Music set on loop keeps her energy flowing as she muses on the deeper happenings of ordinary life and what food to restock the fridge with.


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Are you looking for ways to apply your Faith to your daily life and become a saint? We publish practical Catholic reflections on ordinary life every week.

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